Channel: Preaching – Honoring God Through Biblical Church Life
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Nuggets from Puritan Preaching

Dear Sovereign Redeemer and other friends, One of the outstanding messages from the NCFIC “Worship of God” conference included some observations by Joel Beeke about Puritan preaching. I found two to be...

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The Well Is Deep, and Our Brains Are Shallow

Dear Sovereign Redeemer and other friends, The title is essentially the post. I have been reading Richard Baxter’s classic work for pastors, “The Reformed Pastor,” with a friend, and we just came...

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A Preacher’s Building Blocks

Dear Sovereign Redeemer and other friends, Every sound, expository sermon becomes a building block for the man who preached it. What I mean is that the preparation required to preach a sound,...

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The Anatomy of a Sermon – Introduction

Dear Sovereign Redeemer and other friends, In my last post, titled “A Preacher’s Building Blocks,” I argued that every time a preacher undertakes the painstaking task of preparing a sound, expository...

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The Anatomy of a Sermon – Bible Work

Dear Sovereign Redeemer and other friends, Does it even need to be said that sermon preparation should start with the Bible work? By “Bible work” I mean the direct study of the sermon text itself, and...

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The Anatomy of a Sermon – Study Bibles & Commentaries

Dear Sovereign Redeemer and other friends, The first stop on the road to preparing a sound, expository sermon should definitely be the Bible work. Once that has been given lavish attention, there is...

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The Anatomy of a Sermon – Preparing to Write

Dear Sovereign Redeemer and other friends, This post assumes you have already read this, this and this. The Bible work is done, the study Bibles perused, the commentaries considered. Now I have an...

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The Anatomy of a Sermon – Writing the Sermon

Dear Sovereign Redeemer and other friends, A daunting task: writing a sound, expository sermon to be delivered to the Lord’s people. That’s why it’s so daunting. They are His people. He bought them...

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The Anatomy of a Sermon – Thoughts on Preaching

Dear Sovereign Redeemer and other friends, Early Sunday mornings, after the sermon is completely written, I print it and go back over it thoroughly, making additional hand-written notes and...

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“Diligent Pastors” Podcast

Dear Sovereign Redeemer and other friends, Recently, a friend of mine and fellow pastor from Kentucky, Scot Chadwick, interviewed me for his new podcast, “Diligent Pastors.” It is broad-ranging,...

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